Changes and new additions to the categories of Queensland wildlife made on 20 May 2010

The following changes involve the transfer of all species from the rare category to other categories for protected wildlife under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. These changes relate to the expiry of the rare category in order to be more consistent with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categories for protected wildlife.Table 1 lists species that have been reviewed by the Species Technical Committee (STC) and reclassified from the rare category into another category, as well as a number of species that have been reclassified from other categories, and a series of name changes and corrections.Table 2 lists all rare species that are yet to be reviewed by the STC. These species have been transferred to the near threatened category as an interim measure until they can be reviewed by the STC to determine the appropriate category. The near threatened category is used internationally and has replaced the rare category in Queensland, but provides the same protection as the rare category.

Legend and aids to interpretation
ReferenceAid to interpretation
Extinct in the wild (X) See decision criteria
Endangered (E) See decision criteria
Critically endangered (CE) See decision criteria
Vulnerable (V) See decision criteria
Near threatened (NT) See decision criteria
Least concern (LC) See decision criteria
Basis for decision 1 Better knowledge of population size and/or extent and/or threats – The category is proposed because recent surveys, scientific studies or specimen collections have established a more accurate description of the distribution and/or population size and structure and/or of current threats to the taxon.
Basis for decision 2 Taxonomic change – This decision is based on name changes e.g. two formerly separate species are now recognised as one species (e.g. the rare Arenga microcarpa is now recognised as Arenga australasica, a vulnerable species); a restricted species or subspecies is now recognised as part of widely occurring species (e.g. Cryptandra sp. (Thulimbah, Schindler, 6) is now recognised as being Cryptandra amara var. amara, which is a widely distributed species); or the species is newly described in the taxonomic literature (e.g. Phyllurus kabikabi was only described as a separate species in 2008).
Basis for decision 3 Equivalence with EPBC Act – The proposed category is equivalent to the category applied under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC). The equivalent listing of the species can assist in its management for conservation (e.g. Nangura spinosa, the nangur skink, is listed under the EPBC as “critically endangered”).
Basis for decision 4 Evidence of real decline in populations and/or distributions – The proposed category is recommended because recent surveys or scientific studies have established a recent decline (i.e. a decline that has occurred in the last 10 years or last three generations) in the population size and structure and/or distribution of the taxon (e.g. Lenwebbia sp. (Blackall Range P.R. Sharpe 5387) has been actively searched for in suitable habitat and conditions and its population has declined from previous estimates).
Basis for decision 5

Rediscovered in the wild – A new category is recommended for a taxon because the taxon was thought to be extinct in the wild but recent studies, observations or collections have established that it is persisting in the wild (e.g. Teucrium ajugaceum was rediscovered in 2004).