Koala sightings

If you see a wild koala in Queensland, report it to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation by using the free QWildlife app for iOS and Android.

Collecting sightings information through the app will help inform conservation planning and action at local, state and national levels.

Everyone can play a role in koala conservation by getting out into nature to learn more about koala populations in your local area.

Download the app to:

  • report koala sightings wherever you are in Queensland
  • upload photos, information about the date, time and location of the sighting as well as observations about the koala’s appearance and condition
  • view recent koala sightings in your area.

Koala sightings can also be submitted through an online web form.

South East Queensland has the highest concentration of koalas in the state. The South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2020–2025 (PDF, 6.5MB) outlines critical actions to help stop the decline of the koala populations including protecting and restoring key koala habitats, threat management and scientific research programs.

Successful koala conservation relies on a collaborative approach across all sectors, and for communities to play a role in protecting local koalas.


Use the communication resources to help raise awareness about the QWildlife koala sightings app through your own channels and networks.

Reported koala sightings

The interactive dashboard below displays information about koala sightings made through the QWildlife app.

If you have submitted a koala sighting, it may not appear until it has undergone an assessment by a departmental officer.

It is important to note that a number of sightings may have been submitted for the same koala, and that the number of sightings does not necessarily represent the number of koalas in a given area.

How to use this dashboard

  • Click the Legend button (located in the top left of the dashboard) to view an explanation of the sighting symbols used.
  • Click a dot on the map to view more information about a particular sighting.
  • Click the layer function (stacked square symbol) to highlight particular koala habitat areas on the map.
  • You can also view the data in a table by clicking on the small black tab with the arrow at the bottom of the dashboard.
  • If you get stuck, refresh the page by pressing F5 or the refresh button on your browser.

View dashboard in full screen mode

QWildlife app

Download the QWildlife app to report koala sightings:

Download on the App Store for iOS
Download QWildlife app for iOS in App Store

Download on Google Play for Android
Download QWildlife app for Android in Google Play

Koala sightings can also be submitted through an online web form.