South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy

The Queensland Government launched the South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2020–2025 (the Strategy) (PDF, 6.5MB) on 29 August 2020.

The Strategy outlines how the Queensland Government is delivering on the Koala Expert Panel’s six recommendations for the most appropriate and realistic actions to address the decline in koala population densities in SEQ.

The Strategy will focus efforts to areas where there is the highest likelihood of success and establish the foundations for recovery and growth of koala populations into the future.

The first Annual Report on the South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy (PDF, 3.3MB) details the progress that has been made on the actions in the Strategy and against the Strategy’s targets. Highlights include improved habitat protections, continuing investment in restoration, koala hospitals and research, as well as community education programs.

Through the Strategy, the Queensland Government committed to providing leadership for more strategic and coordinated action and investment in koala conservation across government, research, business and industry, wildlife care, land restoration and community partnerships.

Frameworks for cooperative investment, monitoring and evaluation have been established to support outcomes over the life of the Strategy and for koala population recovery in the long term.

The South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2020-2025 Implementation Plan (PDF, 1.7MB) (phase 1) provides guidance for the implementation of the Strategy’s 46 actions and outlines the activities for successful outcomes.


Halt the decline of koala populations in the wild in SEQ, and secure their long-term survival.


  1. Populations: stabilise koala population numbers in SEQ.
  2. Koala habitat: a net gain in the total core koala habitat area.
  3. Koala habitat restoration: commence rehabilitation to restore 10,000 hectares of koala habitat.
  4. Threat reduction: commence 10 programs in threat priority areas to support at least a 25 per cent reduction in disease, injury and mortality rates in those locations.


The Strategy focuses on six areas of action to achieve these targets:

  • Habitat protection – We have introduced the strongest koala protections Queensland has ever seen. With amendments such as stopping the clearing of koala habitat areas within a koala priority areas and regulating a further 385,606 ha of koala habitat areas across SEQ. We will continue to lead the assessment of development applications involving the clearing in koala habitat areas across SEQ.
  • Habitat restoration for koalas – We will partner with landholders and local governments to restore koala habitat. This restoration work builds on an initial investment of $1.96 million already committed to habitat regeneration, and is further supported by the Government’s Land Restoration Fund.
  • Threat management – We will develop a targeted and transparent threat reduction program in collaboration with local government, conservationists and the community. In addition, new dedicated resources will be developed to support koala carers and improve information sharing across SEQ.
  • Improved mapping, monitoring, research and reporting – High quality koala habitat mapping across SEQ has been developed to protect koala habitat. Various programs will help measure changes in koala populations and threats over time and guide management actions to improve conservation outcomes for koalas into the future.
  • Community engagement – State and local government, First Nations people, building and development industries, conservation sector and households will work together on habitat restoration, citizen science projects, community engagement programs and threat mitigation.
  • Partnerships and strategic coordination – We will strengthen our partnerships with local government, natural resource management groups, environmental organisations, researchers, wildlife care groups and others through the Koala Advisory Council. New partnerships will be established to increase restoration efforts and other koala conservation outcomes.

To find out more, read the South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2020–2025 (PDF, 6.5MB) or the Community Summary (PDF, 832.3KB) to learn how you can play your part in koala conservation.

Developing the Strategy

The Draft South East Queensland Koala Conservation Strategy 2019–2024 (PDF, 5.8MB) was developed in consultation with members of the public and representatives from the conservation, building and development sectors, First Nations people, state and local government, and the Koala Advisory Council to outline the actions needed to improve koala conservation.

Overall, almost 5000 Queenslanders were engaged through an online survey, written submissions, community information sessions, targeted stakeholder workshops and local council meetings.
