White-lipped tree frog

Photo of white-lipped tree frog.
White-lipped tree frog.
© Queensland Government.

Common name: white-lipped treefrog

Species name: Litoria infrafrenata

Family name: Hylidae

Conservation status: This species is listed as Least Concern in Queensland (Nature Conservation Act 1992).


The white-lipped treefrog is Australia's largest native frog growing up to 14 cm. Ranging in colour from pure green to greenish-brown or pale brown, it has a brilliant white stripe that runs along its lower jaw and the side of its head. During the breeding season some have a salmon-pink coloration on their arms and legs. The tadpoles are dark brown with a single cream stripe on each side of the head, body and tail.

Habitat and distribution

The white-lipped treefrog is found in north-east Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Generally found in low-lying coastal areas, it also lives in closed forests, heathland swamps, dry sclerophyll forests, teatree swamps, mangroves and in urban gardens and parks.

This species is sometimes accidentally dispatched to other states in boxes of bananas or other produce.

Life history and behaviour

The white-lipped treefrog’s diet is mainly insects and arthropods. Males call during spring and summer after rain from vegetation around the breeding site. Up to a 100 brown eggs are laid in clear jelly clumps on the water surface in permanent and temporary pools. The whole process of development from egg to frog takes around eight weeks.


The mating call of the white-lipped treefrog resembles the barking of a large dog.

Listen to an audio clip of the white-lipped tree frog (MP3, 133KB).

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