Landfill siting, design, operations and rehabilitation guidance

Currently under review

Waste disposal activities must be sited, designed, operated and rehabilitated appropriately. Evidence of this must be provided in any environmental authority (EA) applications for a waste disposal activity (ERA 60) under the Environmental Protection Act 1994. Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis assessing the particular risks of the proposal.

The department’s Landfill siting, design, operations, and rehabilitation guideline (ESR/2015/1627), which provides further clarity around our expectations for waste disposal operations in Queensland, is currently under review.

Consultation period

Consultation on the draft updates to the guideline document ‘Landfill siting, design, operations and closure guideline’ is now closed and the department is reviewing submissions received.

Visit the In the Loop consultation page to view the draft guideline.

Pre-lodgement meetings

Pre-lodgement discussions are encouraged to improve the quality of applications and assist applicants in understanding what is required. For further information about Pre-lodgement services visit Administering authority for environmental authorities on Business Queensland.