Private collections

1. A dead animal collection authority

A dead animal collection authority may be issued under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 to an individual or an institution such as a school, university or educational institution.

This authority type:

  • is valid for five (5) years
  • does not allow for the commercial use of the animal
  • is used primarily to keep a collection of dead protected wildlife for reference purposes in cases where the educational purposes permit is not appropriate
  • does not authorise take or collection from the wild
  • can only be issued for a dead protected animal.

2. Taking and keeping dead least concern animals

A least concern animal collection authority may be issued under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

This authority type:

  • is valid for six (6) months
  • authorises the collection (take) from the wild and keep of dead least concern animals
  • allows the holder to receive dead least concern animals from other licence holders
  • allows for the animal to be used and sold, where it is incorporated into a work of art, but not for a commercial purpose, other than a 'commercial art purpose'.

NOTE: the meaning of a 'commercial art purpose' — (a) means creating a work of art for the purpose of selling it; but (b) does not include creating a work of art by processing an animal, or part of an animal, to show the animal’s original physical form or structure. Examples for paragraph (b)— creating an articulated skeleton or a taxidermy mount.

The applicant for this type of authority must demonstrate they have the ability and/or resources to positively identify the dead animal as a least concern animal, including any part of the animal, bones or eggs.

Pre-lodgement service

To support applicants through the assessment process, the department can meet with you to discuss the information that must be provided with your application.

To request an appointment contact Permit and Licence Management or email

To apply

Complete the Application form: collection authority (dead protected animals).