Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) Landscape Fragmentation and Connectivity (LFC) Tool version 1.4 LOGFILE Process started at 09-08-2023 09:07:21 PM Python version: 2.7.18 (v2.7.18:8d21aa21f2, Apr 20 2020, 13:19:08) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] Arcpy version: 10.8.1 Username: tstringer INPUT PARAMETERS Output Workspace: R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Arrow\OutputArrow2 Threshold lookup table: R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Arrow\LFC_data.gdb\tbl_Regional_frag_local_threshold Remnant cover layer: R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Arrow\LFC_data.gdb\ArrowGovVeg_230809 Remnant cover layer edited: True Regional buffer extent: 20 kilometres Local buffer extent: 5 kilometres Impact layer: R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Disturbance\New File Geodatabase.gdb\Disturbance3 layer projection: GCS_GDA_1994 Raster cell resolution for analysis: 10 metres Edge Width: 50 metres (The distance from non-remnant landscapes through to the core ecosystem - the edge of remnant ecosystems) Default projection: R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\scripts\QLD Albers Equal Area Conic.prj 21:07:22 Checking out the spatial analyst tool - required for LFC 21:07:22 ____________BEGINNING LANDSCAPE FRAGMENTATION AND CONNECTIVITY ANALYSIS___________ 21:07:22 This tool will categorise the landscape into: {0: 'non-rem', 1: 'patch', 2: 'edge', 3: 'perforated', 4: 'core (< 100 hectares)', 5: 'core (100-500 hectares)', 6: 'core (> 500 hectares)', 7: 'water'} 21:07:31 R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Arrow\OutputArrow2\lyr_file does not exist, creating it now. 21:07:31 Copying across impact site feature(s) and calculating area in hectares (AreaHA) 21:07:37 Making a local copy of the impact site 21:07:44 Preparing remnant cover layer for analysis 21:07:46 Created regional scale buffer of 20 kilometres 21:07:49 Created local scale buffer of 5 kilometres 21:08:08 Clipped the remnant cover to the regional buffer extent 21:08:12 Unioned the pre impact remnant layer with the impact site 21:08:19 Attributed the impact area as not RVM Cat B 21:08:19 Area of RVM Cat B clearing is 72.16 hectares 21:08:19 SQL selection used is "RVM_CAT" = 'B' and "Cover" = 'Not RVM Cat B' on shapefile R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Arrow\OutputArrow2\main_output\clip_remcover_post.shp 21:08:23 Categorised the cover attributes in clip_remcover_pre.shp ready for raster conversion 21:09:01 Converted clip_remcover_pre.shp to raster 21:09:06 Categorised the cover attributes in clip_remcover_post.shp ready for raster conversion 21:09:48 Converted clip_remcover_post.shp to raster 21:09:48 Run Landscape fragmentation analysis on the pre impact regional landscape REGULATED VEGETATION TYPES BEING EXTRACTED FROM LAND COVER IDENTIFICATION OF CORE, PATCH, EDGE AND PERFORATIONS COMBINING FRAGMENTATION CLASSES CLASSIFYING CORE FOREST PATCHES BY AREA COMPOSING FINAL FRAGMENTATION MAP COMPOSING FINAL FRAGMENTATION MAP (FRAGMENTATION CALCULATION TIME WAS 10.4 MINUTES) 21:20:16 Run Landscape fragmentation analysis on the post impact regional landscape REGULATED VEGETATION TYPES BEING EXTRACTED FROM LAND COVER IDENTIFICATION OF CORE, PATCH, EDGE AND PERFORATIONS COMBINING FRAGMENTATION CLASSES CLASSIFYING CORE FOREST PATCHES BY AREA COMPOSING FINAL FRAGMENTATION MAP COMPOSING FINAL FRAGMENTATION MAP (FRAGMENTATION CALCULATION TIME WAS 9.6 MINUTES) Extracting a local subset of lfc_regional_pre_impact Extracting a local subset of lfc_regional_post_impact Collating pre and post impact statistics and trigger assessment 21:30:35 Summarising area statistics for: lfc_localmsk_pre_impact 21:30:35 Summarising area statistics for: lfc_localmsk_post_impact 21:30:36 Summarising area statistics for: lfc_regional_pre_impact 21:30:38 Summarising patch count for lfc_localmsk_pre_impact 21:30:55 Summarising patch count for lfc_localmsk_post_impact Analysing impact on Connectivity Areas SIGNIFICANCE TEST ONE The regional total area is 195030.76 The regional extent of core remnant is 44157.38 The regional extent of core remnant is 22.64 percent This level of regional fragmentation sets a local impact threshold of: 5.0 percent The table below lists the local impact thresholds for categories of regional core remnant extent: REGIONAL CORE CATEGORY LOCAL IMPACT THRESHOLD < 10 2.0 10 - 30 5.0 30 - 50 10.0 50 - 70 20.0 70 - 90 30.0 >90 50.0 Area of core at the local scale (pre impact): 8665.6 Area of core at the local scale (post impact): 8439.3 Percent change of core at the local scale (post impact): 2.61 percent SIGNIFICANCE TEST TWO The number of core remnant areas occurring on the site: 8 The number of core remnant areas remaining on the site post impact: 8 (Only core polygons greater than or equal to 1 hectare are included) RESULT 21:31:29 This analysis has determined any impact on connectivity areas is NOT significant (A significant reduction in core remnant at the local scale is False OR a change from core to non-core remnant at the site scale is False) The significance table has been written to: ..\main_output\lfc_significance_assessment.csv The local scale summary table has been written to: ..\main_output\lfc_local_scale_summary.csv The site scale summary table has been written to: ..\main_output\lfc_site_scale_summary.csv GIS layer files copied into folder \lyr_file within the project folder. View layers in ArcMAP using..\R:\GIS\Geomatics_Team\SCRIPTS_TOOLS\MSES\LFC_Surat_Bowen\Arrow\OutputArrow2\lyr_file\lyr_file\Connectivity Area Impact Assessment.lyr Please scrutinise the output tables and spatial layers to confirm the desktop modelling of connectivity area impact This analysis used an edited version of the Regulated Vegetation layer. 21:37:44 ____________COMPLETED LANDSCAPE FRAGMENTATION AND CONNECTIVITY ANALYSIS___________